Help And Frequently Asked Questions

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) FAQ

Q. What is Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)?

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is methane gas that is compressed and is stored in a high-pressure storage tank.

Q. Is CNG Safe?

Yes, it is absolutely safe as a gas. Being lighter than air, in case of a leak, it rises up and disperses into the atmosphere. This property precisely makes it a safe fuel. Furthermore, CNG has a narrow Flammability range, if CNG’s concentration in the air is less than 5% and more than 15%, the gas will not burn even in the presence of a spark.

Q. Why should I switch to CNG?

Reasons for switching over to CNG, as an automotive fuel, are mainly:

  • Lower operation and maintenance cost: On a mile-to-mile basis, CNG is drastically cheaper than petrol. Due to the absence of any lead or benzene content in CNG, the lead fouling of spark plugs is eliminated. CNG fuel systems are sealed, which prevents any spill or evaporation losses. There is an increase in the life of lubricating oils, as CNG does not contaminate and dilute the crankcase oil. Being a gaseous fuel, CNG mixes easily and evenly in air.
  • Environment friendly: The use of CNG as a vehicular fuel reduces vehicular exhaust emissions (Carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbon) significantly. This in turn leads to a clean environment.
  • Flexibility and ease of use: The basic engine characteristics of a vehicle are retained while converting it to run on CNG. The vehicle therefore is capable of running either on Petrol or CNG at the flick of a switch on its dashboard.

Q. Where can I buy CNG or convert my vehicle to a CNG vehicle?

An app will be launched soon which will indicate the nearest CNG conversion centre or dispensing centre to you.

Q. What are the requirements to be accredited as a CNG conversion workshop?

Autogas conversion workshop must meet the following requirements:

  • The workshop must have physical facilities of appropriate space and it must have basic tools, equipment and materials that meet specification for carrying out conversion (see Table 1);
  • The workshop must have a minimum of four (4) relevant personnel or technicians who must have undergone competency-based training. These must include a mechanical, electrical, ICT, welding and quality control personnel with certification on Autogas conversion, calibration, repair and maintenance;
  • The workshop must provide safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, sand buckets, etc. and other safety rules;
  • If the workshop has more than a branch, each branch will be treated as a separate entity and has to undergo registration separately;
  • All intending conversion workshops are to make payment to NADDC via the Remita platform. Evidence of such payment is to be uploaded as a prerequisite for submission of the expression of interest form;
  • The workshop must be inspected, approved and licensed by the NADDC to deliver the conversion of premium motor spirit (PMS) and diesel-powered vehicles to Autogas-powered vehicles.

Q. Is the registration fee one-off or annually?

It is to be done annually. Qualified conversion workshops will be issued certificates to practice by the Council after payment of a non-refundable registration fee of N250,000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira Only) to NADDC via the Remita platform. Evidence of such payment is to be uploaded as a prerequisite for submission of the expression of interest form. Certification of conversion workshops will be conducted annually by the Council to ensure compliance with standards.